LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft (LUKOIL-NVN)
Saipem S.p.A.
The Caspian Sea, Filanovsky Field
The Caspian Sea
Geophysical vessels "CM Surveyor", "Nikifor Shurekov", "Kolonok 175", pipelay vessels "Castoro 12", "Castoro 16", TIB "Yuriy Kuvykin", tugs "Dzhigit", "Coastal Voyager"
Offshore survey positioning services were performed for supporting of external pipelines construction gathering Filanovsky field riser block and valve station located at a distance of 10 km (for oil) and 20 km (for gas) from the Republic of Kalmykia landfall from May 2013 till November 2015.
Offshore survey included pre-lay, as-laid and as-build surveys. Simultaneously positioning services and navigation support ofthe Client`s pipe lay barge (Castoro 12 and Castoro 16) were provided using Tug Management System.
During the same period and using the same technologies our specialists provided positioning services for support of transportation and installation of field infrastructure sub-structures and topsides, including ice-resistant platform IRP-1, living quarter platform LQP-1, central processing platform CPP and riser block RB.