Sakhalin Energy Investment Co. (SEIC)
Dalmorneftegeofizika (DMNG), Fugro Engineering B.V. (FEBV)
Piltun-Ashtokh (PA) Field - Piltun South
The Sea of Okhotsk
Geophysical vessel "Zephyr-1", Geotechnical vessel "Mariner"
Work objective was to define geotechnical conditions necessary for detailed engineering of gravity-base substructure (GBS) and for analysis of jack-up rig, which can be placed near GBS, as well as investigation of shallow soil along supposed commercial gas / oil pipeline route. Prior to survey commencement all the required permits and licenses were obtained, including positive conclusions of State ecological appraisal (SEA) including EIA, HSE plans development and public hearings arrangement.
Geophysical surveys at Piltun-Astokhskaya structure, including analog survey as well as high-resolution 2D (HR2D) seismic survey and ultra-high-resolution 2D (UHR2D) seismic survey at supposed platform installation site, were performed by means of geophysical vessel “Zephyr-1”.Geophysical survey at Piltun-Astokhskaya structure, including analog survey as well as high-resolution 2D (HR2D) seismic survey and ultra-high-resolution 2D (UHR2D) seismic survey at the supposed platform installation site, were performed by geophysical vessel “Zephyr-1”.
Geotechnical survey, including seabed soil drilling, soil sampling, seismic cone penetration test (SCPT), piezometric cone penetration test (PCPT), was performed by geotechnical vessel “Mariner”. Laboratory testing of seabed soil samples was made at land laboratory with accordance to GOST and ASTM.